Solution Seeker Coaching partners with you to raise your awareness, create a broader perspective, generate options and define more choices to support you in finding solutions and achieving your leadership, career and life aspirations.
You have more control over your life than you think. Raising awareness in any situation broadens your perspective, enabling you to take action through more informed decisions - decisions aligned with your personal objectives. If you want more out of life and are ready to take action, I can help you clarify the path.
As your coach, I am an advocate for your vision, keeping it in the forefront, assisting with alignment of your internal and external worlds. While defining a strategy for the future you desire, we will also explore beliefs and obstacles that may hold you back. Putting a name on these fears reduces them to concerns, providing even greater clarify for taking action to move forward. It’s likely you either have said, or heard someone say, "I wish I knew then what I know now" - why wait till later when the moment to take action is now?
Clarifying who you are – your Values, Needs and Wants – and aligning these with your actions will generate energy and a feeling of greater fulfillment. Being able to do this will open more potential and more opportunity to derive greater joy and meaning out of life.
It's explores your vision, what you Value, Need and Want
Looking Forward
You take action, at your pace, toward reaching your desired future
Mutual sharing of thoughts and ideas in a confidential setting
Having an advocate in your corner who truly listens
Acknowledging your accomplishments and progress
I work with you toward achieving specific goals, and center conversations around your Values, Needs and Wants. Together we will increase your situational awareness, generate options and enable informed choices to take advantage of opportunities or solve problems. To support you I will encourage setting goals, taking action, reviewing progress and celebrating your success.